Make Me Feel Important!

Do you know who Mary Kay Ash is? She was the brilliant entrepreneur who founded and built the Mary Kay Cosmetics empire.

Would you like to know the secrets of her success?

A long time ago (25 years) I read a book by her on leadership and there was one thing she said that I’ve never forgotten:

“Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, ‘Make me feel important.’ Never forget this message when working with people.”

Great leaders have to have followers. Mary Kay Ash was never lacking in followers and I have to think the way she treated people was one of her greatest “secrets.”

I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t need to be appreciated, recognized and valued.

Some people love to be recognized and praised in public and some prefer their recognition and praise to be quite private.

I’m wondering, what would happen in our families, friendships, neighborhoods and at work, if we took these four simple words to heart:

Make me feel important.”

Most people won’t remember what we say to them at any given moment. But they’ll always remember the way we made them feel when they were with us.

We may not have the power to end world hunger or to cure cancer, but we have the power to make those around us feel appreciated, valued and important.

I can’t help but thinking that it would just about make their day.

Let me know what you think!


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