Author Archives for Alan Allard

About Alan Allard

Alan is a former therapist in private practice. He is an expert in transforming adversity and trauma into elite performance at work and in life. Alan enables his clients to perform from deep within and create unprecedented results and personal fulfillment.
He has been quoted in medial outlets such as The New York Times, New York Post, U.S. News and World Report,]The California Executive and CBS News.

Are You Amazing? Really, What Do You Think?

November 2, 2015 1:19 pm Published by Comments Off on Are You Amazing? Really, What Do You Think?

Rumi was a 13th century Persian mystic poet, someone with mind-blowing insights into life, meaning, spirituality and human potential. Here’s [...]

The Courage to Be Unhappy For a Time

October 31, 2015 11:29 am Published by Comments Off on The Courage to Be Unhappy For a Time

Sometimes the reason we're not happier is because we don't want to be unahppy for a tiime while we deal with things we want to avoid. It takes courage to be unhappy for a time but it's the work we can do to create more happiness and fullfillment in life and at work.

How to Feel Invincible, Despite the Critics

October 26, 2015 1:44 pm Published by Comments Off on How to Feel Invincible, Despite the Critics

Invincible: Too powerful to be defeated or overcome. Synonyms: indestructible, unconquerable, unbeatable, indomitable, unassailable. I just read a story that [...]