Over the course of the past two weeks, I’ve had discussions with three senior managers about various challenges their organizations are dealing with. Or to be more precise, challenges the senior leaders are not dealing with. For instance: A middle manager with a history of claiming credit he’s not due—while denying credit to those who […]
We’ve all heard of the Self-fulfilling prophecy. What we believe and expect to happen tends to happen. I call that “Magnetic Thinking.” Our thinking, our beliefs, our assumptions and our expectations are infused with energy that attracts people, resources and circumstances that are aligned with our thoughts and beliefs. Does that sound “Woo-woo” to you? It’s […]
None of us really comes close to the edge of our true potential. We don’t even know what our real potential is. In fact, we all have unexpressed potential we don’t have a clue about. True, a few of us seem to have expressed our full potential in certain areas of our life. That’s why we […]
Monday I was interviewed on a popular podcast on the subject of happiness. Two thirds of the way through the interview I was asked to share one of the secrets from my book “Seven Secrets to Enlightened Happiness.” All of a sudden my mind went blank for a second while I thought, “Which ‘secret’ do […]
In the past two weeks, I’ve worked with a number of clients dealing with a crisis, going through a conflict at work or home or who are dealing with some incredibly challenging situations in life. “Robert” is one of those clients. He’s a manager and he “lost it” last week—lost his cool, that is. He […]
When things aren’t going so well, it’s easy to think the problem is “out there.” I know because I’ve been there. In fact, in 2008 I was in a dark place for almost a year and I was looking for the problem and for solutions everywhere but inside me. If something isn’t going right for […]
During the twelve years I was a psychotherapist in private practice (and in the eight plus years I’ve been a life coach and an executive coach) I’ve never had anyone come to me with this simple request: “I want to be happier.” The truth is, most people have mixed feelings about happiness. On one hand, […]
When was the last time someone asked you, “What can I do for you that would make you happy today?”Has it been a while? I’m not suggesting you don’t have people who care for you, I know you do. However, I do know everyone (your family, friends and co-workers) is busier than ever and have […]
Three Simple Truths About Happiness You likely know that the subject of happiness is a hot topic. There’s good reason for that. Despite all the books and seminars on happiness, there’s a lot of confusion when it comes to happiness in life or in the workplace. If you read one book, it will tell you pursuing […]
Recently I wrote a post about my new grand daughter, Isabella Rae Lerma. She is perfect, right now, as we all are, in our true essence. When it comes to our essence and who we really are, there is nothing to criticize, condemn or judge. “Bella” is ten weeks old now and I haven’t heard […]