A friend and colleague emailed me a few days ago to ask me if I had set my goals for the upcoming New Year. I hadn’t yet–and my suggestion for you is to hold off setting any goals for next year for now. (By the way, if you supervise or manage anyone at work, apply […]
One of my favorite authors and speakers is Randy Gage. His post today was about how good we are, not at giving, but at receiving. While others are writing this week about giving, Randy wrote about receiving–and rightfully so. We are more comfortable with giving than receiving, myself included. And before you say, “Not me, […]
2014 will be here before you know it. Have you slowed down enough to imagine what you want for the next twelve months? And have you reviewed how the last twelve months have been for you? Maybe you’ve had a stellar year, if so, I’m happy for you. It’s easier to expect more “success” when you can look back […]
I received a group email from a colleague the other day and I couldn’t stop laughing. The topic of the email was on communication and this is how he summed up his communications skills: “I love to hear myself talk. It’s nice to have others hear me sometimes, too.” He was joking, but it got […]
We all have hidden potential inside of us. Every single one of us. Thomas Edison said, ” If we did all the things we were capable of doing, We would literally astound ourselves.” How many of us intellectually agree with that and then go back to business as usual? The Universe is pulsating with the energy of hidden potential […]
How are you…and how is your New Year so far? For some of us, the answer would be “Good…no, I mean really good!” For some of us, the answer would be”Not so good, I’ve been kind of stuck” and for others of us the answer would be “I’m just holding on. I thought this year […]
Believe it or not, 2013 is just around the corner! If you have been thinking about how you would like the new year to be one of discovery, growth and achievement, here is a tip:”Don’t believe everything you believe! If you want things to change in your life, you must change first. Life and the […]
The universe is alive and vibrant, a pulsating force of energy and power–and each one of us is a part of the universe. But that’s not all–the universe is also within each of us. We have a power within that is beyond our capability to comprehend. The question is, “How can you tap into that […]
Happiness isn’t an all or nothing proposition where you are either happy or unhappy—life isn’t that simple. We are all on the continuum of what we call happiness and no doubt you are happy about some things in your life and not so happy about others. Wherever you are on your journey, there is always […]
A colleague of mine has been tweeting about my new e-book “Seven Steps to Happiness”–and of course, I’m happy about that! It’s always nice to have friends and colleagues to believe in you and support you and what you do. That being said, unless you are a hermit, in life, there will always be those […]