If you want to know what 2015 will be like for you, it’s not hard to predict. What will happen over the next twelve months is largely dependent upon what you expect to happen—what you believe will happen. 2015 won’t be what you want it to be. What you believe and expect to happen will […]
When was the last time someone asked you, “What can I do for you that would make you happy today?”Has it been a while? I’m not suggesting you don’t have people who care for you, I know you do. However, I do know everyone (your family, friends and co-workers) is busier than ever and have […]
Three Simple Truths About Happiness You likely know that the subject of happiness is a hot topic. There’s good reason for that. Despite all the books and seminars on happiness, there’s a lot of confusion when it comes to happiness in life or in the workplace. If you read one book, it will tell you pursuing […]
Recently I wrote a post about my new grand daughter, Isabella Rae Lerma. She is perfect, right now, as we all are, in our true essence. When it comes to our essence and who we really are, there is nothing to criticize, condemn or judge. “Bella” is ten weeks old now and I haven’t heard […]
Are You Ready to Roar? When we come into this world, our instinct is to be who we naturally are, to know what we want, to communicate our needs and desires and to assume we are worthy of all of them. We come into this world ready to “roar”—to fully express ourselves. Beginning […]
Alan’s “Seven Questions To Rock Your World Today” How will I communicate with myself today to fuel my mind, body and spirit? (The truth is, if you master this one thing, you will be living in a rare space.) How can I offer myself unconditional support, on all levels, to thrive today? Who is most important in […]
“Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is more important than the judgment we pass on ourselves.”-Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D. Your Self-Concept, how you see and feel about yourself, impacts everything in your life. It’s is like a thermostat that regulates the level of your happiness, your income, your health and your overall ability […]
You know the classic defintion of insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein However, I think Einstein missed something important. I think we do something else that is more “insane” than what he pointed out. In a nutshell: We do something that gets results for us. We fail […]
“Know Thyself.” We don’t really know the origin of that statement, but most of us would agree with the importance of it. Most people would say they know who they are. On one level, I’m sure they do. But what about deeper levels? How deep have we actually gone in our quest to know who we […]
A friend and colleague emailed me a few days ago to ask me if I had set my goals for the upcoming New Year. I hadn’t yet–and my suggestion for you is to hold off setting any goals for next year for now. (By the way, if you supervise or manage anyone at work, apply […]